Children's Life Groups

Our Children's Director, Josh Bartlett, has responsibility for the children's ministries at Faith.  Our children's Life Groups are geared to offer all children at Faith, members children or visitor children, the absolute best, most exciting, and engaging opportunity to learn about the Love of Christ on Sunday morning!  Our Children's Ministry facility is the best there is to offer; colors and fixtures designed to create a warm and fun environment for the child.  These areas are restricted during services and each child and parent are checked in and out via an electronic registration system.  The exterior doors to this area are secured during sessions and access is closely monitored.  Excitement, fun, Bible instruction and safety - all together equals a great worship experience for child and parent.

Children Life Groups

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  • The Sprouts

    “Our nursery coordinator is Kinley Bartlett and under her leadership is LeslieAnn Cruse as Nursery Life Group Leader “The Sprouts” which is located in our Tree House area.

    Our preK through kindergarten leaders are Teresa Dennis and Blaze and Lois Fox, under the leadership of Josh Bartlett.  These children are also a part of "The Sprouts" life group and are located in our Treehouse area.

  • The Roots

    Our 1st through 5th grade children are also lead by our Children's Director Josh Bartlett.
    “The Roots” leaders are Alex Cruse and Barry and Anna McIsaac,  The Roots meet in our gym in room D108.

  • Princess Warrior and The Surface Groups

    Our 6th through 8th grade middle school director is Cody Binger.  

    "The Princess Warriors" life group, 6th-8th grade girls, is led by Raquel Neal and meets in our gym in room D116.
    "The Surface" life group, 6th-8th grade boys, is led by Sandy Dennis and meets in our gym in room D114.

  • Impact

    Our High School life group, "Impact", is under the direction of  Youth Pastor Terry Boyd and his wife Crystal.
    These 9th-12th grade students meet in our Youth Café, which is located in the basement of our Youth building.

  • The Rock Life Group

    "The Rock Life Group", led by Scott Gray, meet in the Rock classroom.  This group is a mixture of adults of all ages.  The Rock classroom is located in the basement of our main sanctuary.

  • The Encourgers

    "The Encouragers Life Group" is led by Greg Brand.  The Encourgers, our senior adult group, meet in our gym in classroom D105.

  • List Item

    We are so excited to be bringing back a couples class and leading this group will be Craig and Jessica Mobley… in TheBridge room!

  • List Item

    Next, we have Josh and Jennifer Weatherford who will be leading adults of all ages…
    Gym room 103”